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Be a Normal human being

"I'm going to have a good day, and a good night-- and I'm going to show him I can be like a normal human being."

I had a super crazy dream/nightmare last night…wanna hear about it?

I figured you did. :P

In the dream, Tony told me that we should part ways because I wasn't fun anymore, we weren't happy together, and I was crazy--and life was too serious all of the time. He had met a girl--I would say around 22 cute and fit, (no wrinkles, stretch marks, baby weight etc) who he could laugh with, play guitar with (what we used to do together all of the time), and just have so much fun together.

All of my insecurities had come out in one bad dream...and I couldn't even focus on reality today.

I messaged my friend who is in the same stage of life--crazy kiddos that are young, new mom body that she is trying to get used to that doesn't quite look the way it did before, a ton of crazy hormones, lack of sleep, and marriage that has changed a lot over the years, etc--and I told her about my dream.

She left me several messages, but this quote left me speechless when she was referring to how she feels around her husband: "I'm going to have a good day, and a good night-- and I'm going to show him I can be like a normal human being."

That's how I feel every day. I try and have a good day, and a good night, and try and show myself, the world, and my husband that I can be a normal, and not so crazy human being.

I assumed if she feels that way, and I feel that way--then a lot of other people feel that way too.

Satan plays on our insecurities so that he can try and ruin the beautiful things in our lives--like newborns, hilarious toddlers, and marriage. He doesn't want us to enjoy them, he wants us to resent them. He doesn't want us to feel confident or comfortable, he wants us to feel fat, ugly, insecure and like a big ol failure.

So here are some truths:

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9

“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” Phil 1:6

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,…and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” Eph. 2:4&6

My dear friends, do not let the lies of Satan steal the joys that are all around you. Instead, today, make a list of the things you are thankful for, and take a snapshot in your mind of those beautiful moments that you want to remember forever,



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