A letter to the hard working dad (to a stay at home mom)
Dear hard working dad/husband,
I see you get up while it is still dark, getting ready as quietly as you can so not to wake me or our 3 sleeping children. I know that you would love to sleep in a little longer, but you know that you must get up to provide for your family.
Thank you.
I see you rush home as quickly as you can to scoop your babies up in your strong arms because you know that most likely I have had a long day between diaper changes, toddler fits, fighting nap time, and the never ending dishes and laundry.
Thank you.
I see you muster up all of your energy after your long hard work day to play on the floor with the kiddos while I make dinner, or make dinner for the family so that I have a few minutes of break.
Thank you.
I see you pick up the toys, or clean the kitchen while I am out running errands, or having a few minutes by myself to FINALLY get my much overdo hair done. You have no idea what it means to me to come home to something clean that I didn't do myself.
Thank you.
I see you groggily get out of bed to shuffle upstairs and scoop up our daughter who is having a nightmare since I'm nursing our son. It isn't easy to work so hard physically, and still manage to be our children's biggest hero--but the relationship they have with you is unlike any father/child relationship I've ever seen.
Thank you.
I see you pushing yourself at work so that you can get the raise needed to provide for our littles. I know you are exhausted and spent, but you make it look effortless. I promise to pour you an extra cup of coffee on Saturday.
Thank you.
You are one of the unsung heroes in America. You are changing the world by creating a place where your children feel loved and safe. You don't get enough praise, or recognition, but I want you to know that I absolutely appreciate it more than I could ever express.