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Stand Out
I think every girl in middle school wants to fit in. You want to have the shoes, clothes, and hair cut that everyone else has deemed...
A letter to the hard working dad (to a stay at home mom)
Dear hard working dad/husband, I see you get up while it is still dark, getting ready as quietly as you can so not to wake me or our 3...
Let's talk about LOVE baby!
How was your Valentine’s day?? Hopefully it was full of chocolate and flowers, or surrounding yourself with the people you love. I know...
Do you ever feel like time just keeps passing so quickly and before you know it, another day has come and gone, a week, a month, a year? ...
Stop making excuses
I might come across a little "mean" in this email blog, but believe me, it is all things that you and I need to hear. We as humans in...
What's the difference?
I hear people say constantly, “I wish I had the motivation that you do.” Or “I wish I could have the time to work out like you do.” Or “I...
You are ENOUGH
Anyone else beat themselves up for so many dumb things that they probably shouldn’t?? I was having a chat with my sister today, and she...
What it's like to really lose a parent
I have never written or wanted to write a blog in my entire life. That was until I came across a blog titled “What’s It’s Really like to...
Purple Glove
Do you have an app like "timehop" to remind you of the things you used to do, pictures of memories, statuses of lessons you have learned?...
Listen to your LIPS
First of all, thank you for the words of love and support over the last week since I announced that #littledreamer was promoted to heaven....
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